Trapholt Collect 2024

Trapholt Collect 2024

Every year, Trapholt acquires and receives new, engaging works for its collection. Trapholt Collect 2024 showcases the works that have become part of the museum’s collection over the past year. The exhibition establishes connections to Trapholt’s existing collection, which spans art, design, and crafts from the 20th century to the present day.

Notably, Trapholt has received a significant collection of furniture designs by Nanna Ditzel, as well as a major painting by Kirsten Kjær. This artwork, acquired in 1981, has been on loan since its acquisition and is being displayed at the museum for the very first time.

Painterly Sensations

Trapholt places a strong emphasis on the sensory and experiential potential of painting as a unique art form in contemporary practice. The museum’s painting collection reflects a wide range of abstraction and figurative art throughout history. Today, Trapholt focuses on art that appeals to us in an immediate, sensory way—art that touches and moves us both physically and mentally.

The recent collection efforts are rooted in Trapholt’s broader holdings and current exhibitions. Over the past year, this focus on painting as a medium has been reflected in the acquisition of several significant works by prominent contemporary Danish artists, including Ahmad Siyar Qasimi, Alexander Tovborg, Emily Gernild, and Kirstine Roepstorff.

Alexander Tovborg, ‘Blood Moon I’. Foto: Anders Sune Berg

Trapholt Collect 2024 is supported by:

  1. Juni Fonden

A.P. Møller Fonden

Augustinus Fonden

Knud Højgaards Fond

Konsul George Jorck og Hustru Emma Jorck’s Fond

Lemvigh-Müller Fonden

Louis-Hansens Fond

Ny Carlsbergfondet

Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen

Velux Fonden

William Demant Fonden

And Fredericia Furniture, Kvadrat og Nanna Ditzel Design

Trapholt would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to Kirsten Kjær’s Museum, the artists, and private donors.


Top: Ahmad Siyar Qasimi, ‘Venus’. Photo: Galleri Tom Christoffersen