Collaborative projects

Since 2014, Trapholt has worked with large-scale collaborative craft projects. They engage hundreds of citizens who, together with designers/artists through creative processes, help create large, unique works of art that are exhibited at the museum and afterwards become masterpieces in the museum’s collection.

The projects focus on the high level of craft and creativity that can be found throughout Denmark. When Trapholt combines an artist’s visionary concept with the creativity and masterful craftsmanship of individual citi­zens, the result is a unique work that could only be created together as a community.

In 2021, Trapholt won the prestigious museum award ‘The Artmuseum Award’, organised by The European Museum Academy (EMA). The EMA represents over 40 member countries.

Karen Grøn – Director of Trapholt and curator of the collaborative projects – was interviewed by Tom Loughman for Best in Heritage. The interview can be found here. In 2020, the Danish Arts Foundation honoured GRÆNSELØSE STING
It’s rare that art created through co-creation is as successful, complete and sharp as ‘Stitches Beyond Borders’, created by Iben Høj and over 700 citizens in Denmark…. This itself is an achievement that you can’t be anything but astounded by. For this distinguished work of co-creation, Iben Høj is honoured“, wrote the Danish Arts Foundation.