Arne Jacobsen – Designing Denmark
Trapholt presents the most comprehensive Arne Jacobsen exhibition in recent times.
It is a sensory journey through the life and work of one of the most beloved architects in the world. From Jacobsen’s childhood as a creative and restless boy who wished to become an artist, to his studies at the academy and the establishment of his first studio as an architect. It is a journey from Jacobsen’s early traditional wooden chairs to the development of the Nordic modernism iconized through the Egg and Swan lounge chairs.
The common narrative built around Arne Jacobsen derives from his golden years between 1950-1960, leaving many untold stories and unknown works of furniture design. Many are unaware of his vast production of textile design, watercolour drawings or design products such as door handles, cutlery and light fixtures.

The exhibition aims to provide a unique insight into Arne Jacobsen’s personal as well as professional life. The exhibited works include both famous and unknown chairs, lamps, textiles, drawings, architecture models and private photographs.
The exhibition builds on extensive research into Arne Jacobsen. The stories about his life and work are told through two different scopes of research. Which equally contributes to the design and knowledge presented in the exhibition. Art and Creativity dives into Jaocbsen’s creative process and his love of art. Building the Welfare State investigates Jacobsen as one of the major contributors and influencers of the aesthetic of the Danish welfare state from 1960 till today.
The exhibition is generously funded by Ny Carlsberg Fondet, Augustinus Fonden, Knud Højgaards Fond, 15 juni fonden and Bestle-Fonden.