Nanna Ditzel
Nanna Ditzel is one of the greatest Danish designers of the twentieth century. For the first time ever, her world of ideas and inspirations will be fully unfolded as Trapholt presents her total oeuvre in a densely sensuous array of furniture design, textiles, jewellery and immersive installations.
Nanna Ditzel combined solid craftsmanship with artistic and cultural flair and inspiration. With this approach, she created unique and universal design icons. Looking at Ditzel’s design and sensing the connection between craftsmanship and inspiration, we understand how ‘the new thing’ does not arise out of mindlessly repeating the known, but comes when you are inspired, propelled by curiosity, to challenge the status quo while drawing on a rich, even startling variety of sources.
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Nanna Ditzel’s birth, this exhibition called Nanna Ditzel – Taking Design to New Heights will be the most extensive show about her ever staged. It presents the story of how you can express yourself and evolve by being in touch with the inspiration that art, culture, nature and everyday life can offer.

© Schnakenburg & Brahl
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The exhibition is sponsored by A.P. Møller Fonden, Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond, Augustinus Fonden, William Demant Fonden, Knud Højgaards Fond, Konsul George Jorck og Hustru Emma Jorck’s Fond og Lemvigh-Müller Fonden.