Verner Panton – Colouring a New World

Enter a world of extravagant, undulating shapes, bold, intense colours and world-class design in the extensive exhibition Verner Panton – Colouring a New World.

Verner Panton is one of the most prominent names in Danish design history. His spectacular use of colours and materials defied established norms and traditions and made the Danish architect world-famous, becoming one of the most influential designers of his time.

The exhibition Verner Panton – Colouring a New World invites you to explore the expressive and unconventional designs created by this master of colour. Spanning five decades of colourful designs, the exhibition presents furniture, lamps and textiles, but also sensuous immersive environments such as Fantasy Landscape; a nearly 50 m2 interior landscape of softly undulating extravagant shapes in bold, intense colours. With installations like this, Panton departed from all conventional ideas of interior design: here floors, walls, ceilings and furniture merge to form a single, organic totality. The installation Light and Colour, which Panton originally created for an exhibition at Trapholt in 1998, takes visitors through eight rooms, each with their own colour scheme. The result is a high-impact, sensuous experience that makes you aware of the physical effect each colour has on your mood and well-being.

The extensive exhibition is one of the largest presentations of Panton’s overall work. Approximately 1,000m2 of floor space is dedicated to Panton’s spectacular world, presenting his unique approach to colours and forms, ranging from tight geometry to organic sculptural forms, from his first designs to the last, from one-off design elements to furniture and installations that you are free to sit, lie, walk, lounge and fly in.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jyllands-Posten 

💗💗💗💗💗 Politiken 

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kristeligt Dagblad 


With his designs, Panton wanted to inspire us to inject greater sensuousness into our homes. And after many years of Nordic minimalism and a corona pandemic that has kept us shut inside the white walls of our homes, we are eager to once again feel ourselves, each other and the world again. The design and colours of our surroundings have a major impact on how we feel and our sense of well-being. Bright colours are a perfect response to our present day – as is an exhibition that showcases Verner Panton: a designer who, half a century ago, so poignantly articulated how colours create our world.

Verner Panton – Colouring a New World is generously sponsored by
Augustinus Fonden
Knud Højgaards Fond
Konsul George Jorck og Hustru Emma Jorck’s Fond
Lemvigh-Müller Fonden
Ny Carlsbergfondet
William Demant Fonden

Trapholt is grateful for the contributions made by Marianne Panton and Carin Panton von Halem, Verner Panton Design AG, private collections, researchers and colleagues. Also a great thanks to Vitra Design Museum, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Fredericia Furniture, Flügger, Georg Jensen, Holmegaard Værk, Innovation Living, Kvadrat, Louis Poulsen, Maharam, Montana, PP Møbler, SOSU Nord Campus på Sporet, &Tradition, Verpan, Vitra